Cover Crop Essentials- An Online Course for Educators

MCCC is offering Cover Crop Essentials, designed for educators to a limited number of Midwest ag professionals. This is a virtual course that will emphasize bi-weekly cohort discussions and provide seed for demo plots to be used in course activities. This course will run August 2-November 22, 2024. Applicants should fully understand the requirements of the course and commit to participation of this pilot training.

Thanks to support from North Central SARE, this first-ever cohort has the opportunity to participate in Cover Crop Essentials at no cost.


The main components of this course:

  • Weekly video lectures to watch on your own time
  • Weekly assignments to track cover crop test plot progress (seed will be provided)
    •  4 plots, ~ 3'x3' each (~36 sq ft total)
  • Bi-weekly zooms with your cohort from across the Midwest to discuss lecture content and test plot progress
  • Estimated average weekly time commitment over 9 weeks of instruction: 2-3 hours

More Course Information

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